Mastering Record Keeping: How to Meet SARS’s Electronic Documentation Standards

Too often, taxpayers seem to forget that the most important aspect of dealing with SARS is to ensure that they can discharge their burden of proof. As a taxpayer, it is on you to provide SARS with the relevant material that, on a balance of probabilities, supports your position. Taxpayers are required to retain relevant […]
VAT on Short-Term Lettings and Commissions

Are you acting as agent or principal—and what would be the pragmatic approach? There are very few people across the world who haven’t heard of Airbnb. Started in San Francisco in 2008, this multi-billion-dollar NASDAQ-listed company that employs around 7,000 people has revolutionised the short-term letting industry. Over four million property owners around the world […]
The tax treatment of relocation expenses
Transferring staff? There are tax implications for them … and for you! If your business has branches in different locations, one of the best ways of offering key staff opportunities for career growth is to allow them to relocate. Relocating an existing staff member who has come to know and understand your systems, procedures, and […]
To Claim or Not to Claim—VAT, That Is…
Some vehicles you cannot claim VAT on, some you can—and knowing the difference can save you a lot of money. When can you claim input VAT on a vehicle? Most businesses that are registered for VAT will be aware that you generally cannot claim input VAT on the purchase of a ‘motor car’ as defined […]
Deducting income tax and CGT for estate duty

Is subjecting taxpayers to estate duty on post-death asset growth appropriate? In 1789 Benjamin Franklin said that “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”. He was right about death—but anyone who has had to interpret our tax laws would know that the task is fraught with uncertainty. This […]
Beware the ‘Ides of SARS’
Telephonic audits are on the rise. “A SOOTHSAYER bids you beware the ides of March”. These famous Shakespearean words forewarning the misfortune of Roman emperor Julius Caesar (which Caesar ultimately ignored and led to his demise) may not be as archaic as appears at first sight—especially in the realm of tax, and when SARS’ new […]
Tax compliance lives beyond death
A deceased estate takes on a (tax) life of its own while being wound up I STARTED my first job back in September 1987 at the tender age of 18, and approximately nine months later I received my very first income tax return from the Receiver of Revenue (as SARS was known in those days), […]
Ceasing tax residency: Changes on the horizon for interest and capital gains
Section 9H of the Income Tax Act provides that a natural person’s year of assessment is deemed to have ended on the date immediately before the day on which that person ceased to be a resident for South African tax purposes. Furthermore, that person’s subsequent tax year is deemed to commence on the day that […]
Is a voucher still the perfect gift?

On 12 January 2021, the Gauteng High Court delivered judgement in the matter of MTN (Pty) Ltd v CSARS (79960/2019) [2021], in respect of a declaratory order that MTN sought to confirm their interpretation of the VAT treatment of certain airtime vouchers. The VAT Act distinguishes between two types of vouchers – those that can be used […]
What is a “Transaction” for Transfer Duty Purposes?
According to reports, given current low interest rates, there have been an uptick in property transactions. Therefore, it is worthwhile considering the potential impact of any transfer duty taxes to be imposed on such transactions. The Transfer Duty Act imposes a transfer duty on the value of any property acquired by any person by way of a transaction, or in any […]