Snijder & Associates | Audit and Accounting firm

Mastering Record Keeping: How to Meet SARS’s Electronic Documentation Standards

Too often, taxpayers seem to forget that the most important aspect of dealing with SARS is to ensure that they can discharge their burden of proof. As a taxpayer, it is on you to provide SARS with the relevant material that, on a balance of probabilities, supports your position. Taxpayers are required to retain relevant […]

Beware of tax-related scams

Over the past five years, the SAFPS has seen a steady increase in the number of tax-related scams. Improved efficiency To improve efficiency when it comes to processing tax returns, and to encourage individuals and businesses to file their tax returns timeously, SARS launched its eFiling service in 2000. This allows taxpayers to file their […]

Securing your business’s future: FICA compliance in South Africa made simple

To thrive in South Africa’s ever-changing economic landscape, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of your regulatory responsibilities, including compliance with the Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA). Recognised not just as an additional requirement to your current protocols, but rather as a fundamental component in upholding your business’s integrity, FICA ensures transparency and […]

Testamentary trusts still have their place

How you can protect your assets from predators—including SARS TRUSTS HAVE received a lot of bad press over the past few years, what with SARS taking a dim view of the use of trusts as a means of avoiding tax. A 2008 case involving a property trust, where the beneficiaries were changed in the hope […]

The new SARS solar energy tax credit

The tax credit for individuals installing solar panels is here, for a limited time only. The proposed new law regarding the tax credit available to individuals who install solar panels has been announced. The system will be introduced in the form of a tax credit, as opposed to a tax deduction. This is good news, […]

Tax certificate uploads: How to avoid SARS issues

Check, check, and check again …  The SARS e-filing system has come a long way from its humble beginnings, and it is clear that the tax office is moving ever-closer to a situation whereby the majority of taxpayers will no longer be required to submit a return each year—employers, investment funds, and medical schemes will […]

Is a voucher still the perfect gift?

On 12 January 2021, the Gauteng High Court delivered judgement in the matter of MTN (Pty) Ltd v CSARS (79960/2019) [2021], in respect of a declaratory order that MTN sought to confirm their interpretation of the VAT treatment of certain airtime vouchers. The VAT Act distinguishes between two types of vouchers – those that can be used […]

What are the requirements for self-invoicing?

As a result of the specific nature of goods, it is common practice that certain recipients of goods and services “self-invoice” when they receive goods or services from their suppliers. In other words, they do not receive an invoice from the suppliers – instead, they invoice themselves. This scenario is typically found where the volume or […]

Wear-and-tear allowance

Capital expenditure incurred in the production of income and in carrying on of a trade does not qualify for a deduction under the so-called general deduction formula in section 11(a) of the Income Tax Act No 58 of 1962 (the Act). The Act does, however, grant deductions or allowances for specific types of capital expenditure […]

Correction of an assessment: Section 93

As portrayed in the Tax Administration Act No 28 of 2011 (TAA), the dispute resolution rules lay out the legal framework to be followed by both the taxpayer and the South African Revenue Service (SARS) to resolve disputes. Section 93 of the TAA lists a number of circumstances under which SARS can reduce a taxpayer’s […]

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