Spouses and couples beware: Changes are on the way

Being a person’s spouse could have varying tax consequences, particularly where they are married in community of property. Currently, for income tax purposes, you are deemed to be a person’s spouse in the following instances: (a) A person who is in a marriage or customary union recognised in terms of the laws of the Republic; (b) A […]
Dealing with marriage and estate planning
It is important to understand the legal implications of the marital property regime, especially when drafting a Last Will and Testament and also when entering into a marriage, as the regime chosen by the estate planner is going to affect his/her assets. The most important forms of marriage are: marriage in community of property, marriage […]
Some pointers for planning your Estate
The main aim of planning your estate is to ensure that as much of the accumulated wealth is utilised for your own benefit and for the maximum utilisation of dependents on your death. “Estate planning” has been defined as the process of creating and managing a programme that is designed to: Preserve, increase and protect […]