Snijder & Associates | Audit and Accounting firm

Top 10 causes of insurance claims

Worldwide and local events impact both business and domestic premiums A Fire at a busy warehouse leaves a company struggling to replace its buffer stock; a ransomware attack paralyses a company’s IT systems; the use of industrial adhesives in manufacturing results in a costly product recall.  Every day, companies around the globe (together with their […]

Employee trust 101

Binding Private Ruling 330 (“BPR330”) was issued on 3 October 2019 and relates to the tax implications arising from distributions of dividends and other amounts from an employee trust to beneficiaries on the termination of their employment. The taxpayer (a resident trust) was established for the benefit of the black permanent employees of Company A. […]

2019 Tax legislative amendment: Dividend stripping

The 2019 tax legislation amendment cycle commenced on 25 June, when National Treasury issued the initial batch of the Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill which covers specific provisions that require further consultation. National Treasury will be publishing the full text of the 2019 Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill for public comment in mid-July 2019. One […]

Prepare to impress investors

What must you do to attract and motivate investors? You could answer this yourself after studying the three tips below.The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and kicking in South Africa, and many an entrepreneur have learnt valuable lessons from pitching their ideas to tough investors or sharks in the program “Shark Tank”,  courtesy of American television. […]

Tax implications of international branches

Irrespective of whether a South African company is expanding its business offshore, or whether international businesses set up shop in South Africa, companies trading internationally are often confronted with the complex tax implications for doing so. This article explores the tax implications linked to international branches of a company specifically; it does not consider the […]

Transactions required to be reported to SARS in terms of government notice

Section 37 of the Tax Administration Act, 28 of 2011 (‘the Admin Act’) requires taxpayers to report a transaction which would qualify as a ‘reportable arrangement’. Failure to do so will result in a monthly penalty being levied against non-compliant taxpayers ranging from between R50,000 to R300,000 per month (section 212), for up to 12 […]

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